Thursday 27 May 2010

Gala Performance of Pandora

the flicker club are off to the Arcola and hell who's this introducing a Gala performance of Pandora, only everyone’s best friend David Schwimmer. Now we're all aware that Dalston is the Crux of Cool these days but seriously guys this is wrong side of the tracks, Dalston, not Dalston is the new black Dalston.

Pandora was produced by our Dave's theatre company Standing on the Shoulders of Giants and David and his gorgeous girlfriend Zoe Buckman were there to host a rather fantastic celebrity auction to raise much needed funds for The Arcola. 

As if this wasn't enough we were totally enthralled by the production, which tells the story of five tales woven into one strand of imaginative diverse theatre. Needs must that we give out a special mention to flicker club friend Brigid Zengeni for her startling performances throughout. God that girl's good, really really good.

The show runs until June 12th and you can book tickets by clicking right here.

Tell Brigid we sent you.

Stephen for the flicker club